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Tech serves us grows out of a simple idea: To live life abundantly—fully, joyfully, wholeheartedly—tech has to serve us. Not the other way around.

For the better part of three decades, new technologies and tools have tempted many of us to let go of life’s richest blessings—face-to-face relationships, authentic communication, other-centeredness, communities that are safe and productive, and so on.

The result has been serious individual and social challenges—challenges ranging from depression and insomnia, to bullying, polarization, and social disintegration.

But these problems are counterbalanced by unprecedented opportunities to live better lives, with tools that increase capacity and productivity, bridge differences and distances, support exploration and growth, and nurture confidence, understanding, and peace.

There’s no backing away from technology, and we wouldn’t want to.

But now is the time to come together and help each other use technology in a way that supports life as we want to live it. And, along the way, give tech-producers a clear signal of what we need and want to support abundant life.

Here’s what you can find on in the coming months:

  • A searchable library of articles

  • Podcast episodes based on relevant topics

  • Videos for personal enrichment and teaching

  • Interviews with thought-leaders and tech-producers

  • Announcements of conferences and events is sponsored by ALWAYS, a new app that supports face-to-face relationships and groups in the experiences that bring them together and support abundant living. To learn more, click here.